JUDGE DREDD - 2000AD prog 92 page 3 - Brett Ewins

Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Art Type: Splash Page
Status: Sold
Artists: BRETT  EWINS all

Rare early JUDGE DREDD title page from 2000AD and Starlord prog 92, 25 November 1978 by the incredible Brett Ewins.

This is from one of the first Judge Dredd epics, 'The Day the Law died' by the inimitable John Wagner, here working under his pen name 'John Howard'. (as he was also writing Strontium Dog ).

Fantastic images of the insane Judge Cal, who has seized control of Mega City One!

Art on card, 38 X 52 cm.

£ 1500.00


Philippe Boon

?Second checkin spot


CLICK HERE for larger image.